What electronic should I buy with 600 dollars? But other ideas too?

I'm an 11 year old girl (with parental supervision), it's Christmas soon (plus my birthday) and I want to find something for my self and my older siblings. I saved 600 dollars from the past year, and I have so many options.

I really want a MacBook Air, to prepare for middle school, as my school has a terribly large amount of computer homework. (Nah, I just want to play video games all night xD My friends have MacBooks, and I just don't want to fall behind.) <<---- Regarding this, what is the average age to get a laptop?

Put the money towards a skill you have or the field of work you want to do later in life. Invest in yourself. Trust me it will pay off later and you'll be able to play all you want. Your parents will be proud. It took me too long to realize this.

Either a MacBook or an Iphone6! Ignore people that say save it, spend it while you can on what you want!