Looking for a good gaming laptop for 600 dollars?

In looking for a good laptop for 600 dollars. I mainly want to play minecraft and minecraft mod packs with no lag problems, and also maybe some games on steam like Skyrim and such. I was looking at the Lenovo y40 but I was some reviews on minecraft on it and how people get only get a ma of 20 fps for some reason on it.

15.6" IdeaPad G505s from Lenovo

First thing's first… You can't (read Can't) get a 'gaming' laptop for $600. That's like £400 and it simply can't be done.

Someone telling you otherwise is talking out of their ****.

You can get a laptop that may run it, sure… But that's not the same thing.

The reason people are getting bad reviews on games is because, frankly, it's not very good for it. It's got a dual core CPU at 2.20GHz and a 2GB graphics card.

The only thing that matches a gaming PC is the 8GB of RAM.

If you really want a gaming laptop, you are going to pay at least £1000, which will be what? $1300+? As with all things, if you pay for budget, you get budget and you can't get a budget gaming laptop. You could make a desktop for about $600, but only if you built it yourself.