What is better: Hybrid 1TB 5400 RPM+8GB SSHD or 512GB SSD?

I'm buying a Lenovo laptop and i don't know the difference?
Which is better? Because the 512GB of SSD is more expensive. I'm confused.

512GB SSD. That 8GB SSHD will not be enough to do much on. I would suggest the 512 for now, and if you find yourself needing more space in time, purchase an external hard drive. By that time it should even be cheaper.

As Gary mentioned, the 512GB SSD will perform much faster, but I'd imagine it costs quite a lot more as SSD storage is a lot more expensive. If price isn't an issue then go for the SSD.

I think if you go and read about what a Hybrid HDD is they you might understand. It is basically a regular HDD with an 8GB flash memory on it. THey idea is for a fast boot or wake up time but then the 1TB HDD comes into play. They really are not any better than a regular HDD and not worth the extra money over a regular HDD. Comparing a 1TB Hybrid to a true SSD there's none. I don't mind the speed of a reg HDD but if you have the extra money get a SSD. YOU will love the speed and you can always buy a larger external HDD for storage.