Will my (Kinda Brand New) Laptop work if i don't use it for about a year and a half?

I got a lenovo Burg50 or (G50) laptop a couple of months ago (I think 3 or 4), and I never turned it on, and because I already have a functioning laptop, I don't wanna use the new lenovo because I was hoping to use it during senior year and college (senior year next year). So my basic question is will the new laptop be functioning if I keep it in its original box and put it in the closet until senior year and/or college?

You'd be taking bigger risks that one of the cells inside the lithium battery discharges to below the minimum level. This usually causes permanent damage (battery won't hold its charge for long or not at all) and increases the chance of (what some people are paranoid about) explosion.
The chance of a hard drive getting frozen in parked position is also increased if the drive is never powered up for a prolonged period of time (unless it's an SSD type).
So I would just plug it in and run it for at least a few hours every now and then to give it the chance to top up the battery and allow the moving parts to spin, even if it's just once every 6 weeks or so.