Windows 10 - Built-In Apps Get Stuck On Icon With Blue Background?

I have a Lenovo IdeaPad with Windows 10. Sometimes, when I open built-in applications, they don't start. For example, about 5 minutes ago I opened the Microsoft Store and it got stuck on the store icon with the blue background. Yesterday, I opened the Settings app and the same thing happened, stuck on a blue background with the application icon in the middle. Usually, they will work if I simply close it and reopen it. But is there any way to stop this from happening?

You need to take your data off of the computer and put it on an external drive and after you have done this you need to do a complete factory reset of Windows 10 and do not save files after you are finished doing this let it do its updates for the next 1 hour restart your computer then you can put your data back on your computer and install and Antivirus and you will be just fine