I keep getting the blue screen of death! How to get past it?

Okay so I don't know what possibly could of happened to get to this situation but every time I turn on my Lenovo CD-less, ThinkPad laptop it does the blue screen. I've tried all modes including safe mode, last known configuration, etc. I honestly don't care if I get my hard drive gets wiped out because I had nothing important on it so far and I can't afford repairs right now. So how do you somehow get past this blue screen. Is there a special mode?

PS I mentioned CD-less because my own CDless laptop keeps suggesting to me to insert a repairs disc into it even though it should know I can't do that like wtf

Take it to a computer technician because you might need a new motherboard

Joseph Your a 5yr computer user, You have not learned much in that time have you? Now is the time for you start learning

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Below are some websites check them all out for yourself and learn about computers not just how to use windows and windows software

Might be…( maybe ) a total hard drive failure… It might be ( maybe ) that the OS has gotten corrupted and you simply need to do a windows repair…

You have to take it to a shop since you do not have an external or internal cd/dvd drive…