Lenovo V570+Geforce Experience?

I have a lenovo v570. However, mine doesn't have the option to switch the graphics. I can still play games on high settings so I know there's still the nvidia (525m?) card. But, when I try to download Geforce Experience, it says I don't have an nvidia GPU is there a workaround to this?

Most of the V570's shown on the internet have only Intel HD3000.
Some have a GT 525M, but that is only a few of the sub-models.
You should show the complete model number so the specifications can be figured out.
V570 is a system type.
The GT 525M would be active only on AC Power and not on battery.

My guess is that your system does not have a GT 525M.

Yours is most likely the one with only the nVidia graphics card. Not switchable.