Lenovo y50 keeps restarting and won't get past the black screen?

Lenovo y50 keeps restarting and won't get past the black screen?

Added (1). I got my lenovo y50 gaming notebook online a few weeks ago. Now, yesterday, it crashed with an error that was something like PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and now when i go to turn it on, it restarts in a matter of 2 seconds and i can't get it to go to the BIOS settings. It just keeps restarting. I can't boot it in safe mode either because as i said it doesn't get past the black startup screen.

Reformat your hard drive… Or in a bit simpler terms. It's an operational system failure and you need to get your windows reinstalled.

Try start f2 or which ever you go back to reinstall F2 F8 F10 turn off restart and hold down one of those and follow instuctions after that