My screen on my Lenovo T61 IBM broke how do I connect it with a TV?

Will someone help me please my computer works like i can hear sounds and everything but the screen its blank so I found a VGA cable and connect it with PC but in my TV all it says is 'no signal' and because I can't see nothing I don't know if there's any way possible to activate it using Keyboard keys?
I would be very happy if someone has any ideas what to do but don't suggest buying and new screen cause I just can't do that.
Anyway thanks!

If you connect to the TV it will become a second monitor but it won't be immediatly set up as such so you need to either press the function button along with the key that looks like 2 monitors side by side or if you are sing windows 8 you can press Windows key + P move the cursor (i know you can't see it) to the right of the screen and move it to around the middle where the other screen buttons are then just click and hopfully it should be the right button.