Overclocking - Can i use Windows 7 OEM?

I'm building a new computer and i'm planning on overclocking. If the specs matter then i'm getting a GTX 770 OC with 8gb vengeance ram (2x4), AMD FX 8320 cpu and a MSI 990XA-GD55 AM3+ ATX Motherboard.
I read on an overclocking guide that by using an OEM operating system then it is much harder to overclock but that is the only version of windows 7 i can find. I do not really want windows 8, i would much prefer windows 7 but i don't think they sell any new non-oem versions of windows 7 or at least not from what i have found.
If you go on Amazon, the only windows 7 i found was OEM versions but i don't know if that means they are made for dell, hp etc or if it is a legit version of windows 7. And another one i found was intended for system builders only but is still an OEM so i'm really confused.
So the question is, if i buy this windows 7 OEM will i have any problems on overclocking or accessing the BIOS etc?
These are the ones i'm looking at:


Any help will be much appreciated.

Get win7 only if it's significantly cheaper than 8, otherwise get 8 which is faster and obviously newer. I bet DirectX12 will be a Win8 exclusive.

The main difference between Windows OEM and retail is there's no tech support from Microsoft, and it won't upgrade from older versions (only new installs). The OS is exactly the same.

The guide mentioned OEM PCs instead (Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, etc.), their BIOS don't have any overclocking options.

Btw, AMD FX don't overclock that well, you'll need to significantly raise Mhz to notice more performance, draw a lot more power. Make sure to test with Prime95 and monitor CPU temp.

Not true, there's zero difference between the RTM and OEM version other than the SLP key. Overclocking on either via software (if that's what you're planning to) should be the same.

No. Overclocking is not even recognized by Windows. What I mean by that is it just sees the hardware at what it is and what it's running at.