Asus Zenfone 5 or Lenovo A6000?

Planning to buy a mobile phone.
I have narrowed down these options:
1. Asus Zenfone 5 (A501CG)
2. Lenovo A6000
3. Lenovo A600+

Unable to decide.
Please help me with some genuine advice. Thanks

Added (1). Planning to buy a mobile phone.
I have narrowed down these options:
1. Asus Zenfone 5 (A501CG)
2. Lenovo A6000
3. Lenovo A6000+

Unable to decide.
Please help me with some genuine advice. Thanks Asus Zenfone 5 or Lenovo A6000

Zenfone 5
Cuz I used a6000 is sucks while playing GTA
Which I play easily on my old phone wit 512 mob of ram
And plus one more thing
I played Ps games on many Android phones wit 1 GB and even 2 GB of ram
It still hangs
But when I played on zenfone 4 it was very close to playing on an actual Ps
Plus Asus phones have Intel processors in it
Which you can't compare to any android company
Not even apple