How is lenovo vibe k5? How is its battery and camera? Do snapchat filters work on it?

How is lenovo vibe k5? How is its battery and camera? Do snapchat filters work on it? - 1

You may find that you'll get more and better responses if you place your question in the cellphone section. This is the section for cameras and not phones.

All smartphones, even $700 iPhones, use camera models that you easily buy off of eBay for less than $10-$15 USD. The iPhone 6's camera costs about $8. So it should be pretty obvious just how bad the quality is going to be relative to what a real camera at even 1/2 the price of a phone would be. Remember, photography equipment is not just about image quality. It's mainly about providing the user the control that they need to express their vision. Instead of investing more than $300 in a new phone with an $8 camera, keep your current phone and get a $300 camera and some accessories that will automatically transfer the images to your phone. Then apply the IG or SC filters prior to uploading to social media. Your image quality will be vastly better, and you'll have far more control and options (exposures, zoom lens, real flash instead of an LED, etc…) than you'll get out of using a phone.

Thabk you so muchhh