My tablet takes forever to load pages, bring up the keyboard, etc, is the tablet the problem it the Wi-Fi, should I buy a new tablet?

I have a Lenovo yago 3, about 4 years old. I'm getting tired of spend ing so much time getting it to work, I have more luck and better service online with my cell phone. I have cablevision for my tablet service. Should I just use my cellphone going forward and dump my cablevision internet service?

Have a friend try on their device. If they have issues too, the problem is your router or internet.
if not, it is your device.

Have a friend try on their device. If they have issues too, the problem is your router or internet.
if not, it is your device.

Powerline lets you turn your electrical wall sockets into a network jack. Best Buy sells them as well as Amazon. Here s a link to Amazon search results. I ll let you figure out what the best one for you is:

Then find an Ethernet adapter for your tablet and you will be all set.

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