Tablet, laptop or Hybrid?

I want to purchase a laptop and use it for:
- proffesional drawing ( i have researched and I have found the Wacom Cintig HD will suit my needs)
-film editing/ gaming ( I've found the Macbook Pro to be suitable)
But is there a hybrid version that combines these two? I've heard of the Ipad Pro, i'm not sure if it comes with a prn, but I've heard there's the Adobe Mighty and Napoleon Pen as well as another digital pen ( I forget the name) that lets you draw on the ipad much like a cintiq hybrid? ( I've heard the Cintiq hybrid isn't great)

So what should I get? Is there any other high end tablets/ laptops meet my needs? I researched the lenovo but i think its a step down to the duperior wacom and macbook/ ipad.