Where can I buy a lenovo miix 510 replacement LED screen?

Hi! I have recently broken my lenovo miix 510. Hiring someone to fix it is too expensive so I need to buy a replacement screen (that is still touchscreen) and fix it myself. Does anyone know where i can buy a replacement LED screen for my lenovo miix 510? Thank you!

Added (1). I've looked online for ages and still haven't found a solution, help is much appreciated!

Remove the screen, there will be a part number on the back, google the part number and you should get some suppliers
also have a look on amazon or ebay

If you are talking I'm about you have broken the glass what you're looking for as a Lenovo mix 510 digitizer look on eBay and put it in just like that you will see several of them in the range of $200 a piece if you are simply looking for the tempered piece of glass to protect the screen before you break it again eBay has those for about $10

Did you find it? I've looked and it's near impossible to search. Unless you got 600 $ spare…