What is a good CPU and GPU for a small business server?

I need a good CPU for my family's business server and was wondering what to get. Also, will I need a GPU as well? It will be running on Windows Server.

I would go with Lenovo TS-140 series. They are reliable, FAST, quiet and they draw very little power. You can get Core-i3, Core-i7 or Xeon processors on it (you can choose what exactly you want) . The first 2 have very powerful integrated GPUs built in the CPU. I got one of those for a friend's family business and he's been really happy about it.

Just look for Lenovo ThinkServer TS-140 on amazon.

Best of luck! If its a server you won't need a gpu. The cpu depends on how much money you have and how much load you expect. More money = faster. If you want someone to consider your individual needs, you need to hire a consultant. Xeon if you can afford it and the associated motherboard and ECC RAM. Otherwise the best core i5/i7 you can afford. No need for a fancy GPU. If your cpu comes with integrated gnu that will be fine.

If its a server you won't need a gpu. The cpu depends on how much money you have and how much load you expect. More money = faster. If you want someone to consider your individual needs, you need to hire a consultant.

Xeon if you can afford it and the associated motherboard and ECC RAM. Otherwise the best core i5/i7 you can afford. No need for a fancy GPU. If your cpu comes with integrated gnu that will be fine.