What is the best make of pc and where can i browse them?

What is the best make of pc and where can i browse them?

There's next to no difference in computers, almost no one uses proprietary parts anymore.
how you select a computer is the components used to build it.
the amount of RAM, the type and speed of the processor, the size of the power supply, the cooling and ability to add cooling, optical drive, the length of warranty and the price

for business i use Lenovo because i can customize them, the price is good and they come with 3 year on-site warranties (DELL charges extra for a 3 year warranty). I have used HPs, DELLs, and Acer but now always go with Lenovo

Dell is the best and browse them at Best Buy or anywhere you want to do a Google Search.


Good one

Sorry Michr you are not correct as you usually are. Lenovo has many product lines, including Ideapads and Thinkpads. Ideapad only has a standard mail-in depot warranty of one year with an option for onsite. Many Thinkpads also have the same. Some are sold with extra years included, some are not. I have 20 years experience purchasing IBM and Lenovo Thinkpad and Ideapads.

I think Dell is the best and browse them at Best Buy or anywhere you want to do a Google Search. I have used HPs, DELLs, and Acer but now always go with Lenovo. The amount of RAM, the type and speed of the processor, the size of the power supply