What upgrades is best for my computer?

I have an Lenovo k430, I want to upgrade to a better graphic card instead of my current gtx 650 card but i need some tips. Maybe I even need a better power supply too?

Since i don't have much knowledge about hardware, I would appreciate some help and tips. The budget is 120-280 US dollar(Or 1000-2500 Kr since i live in Sweden).
Here is my current specifications: What upgrades is best for my computer

The Power supply isn't listed in the link but it is 450W i think.

I'm thinking about one of these cards:

will any of these cards fit into my computer?

If you need anything more from me, let me know!

http://www.lenovo.com/...com/se/sv/ or a phone call might have information on your system, since the webpage on your tower refuses to tell what PSU size you have, and USA support can't help Sweden or me. Good luck.
P.S. There might be a BIOS problem with older motherboards and newer cards. You need a UEFI capable or upgraded BIOS for many cards to work. A few cards have a dual or legacy BIOS capability. Mine did not, so won't work on my Win7 MB, only on the XP MB. And XP will not support 3 screens from my card.

An easy, cheap and dramatic upgrade would be adding an SSD to the system.