Computer flashed a bluescreen and shut off, what's wrong?

I was watching a video, when suddenly a blue screen with white text appeared for a second, then shut down the computer. The computer works fine, I'm just scared it'll happen again.

Added (1). I'm using a Lenovo Z570.

I'm not a computer expert though if I had to guess it will be your random access memory chip ( ram for short) - I would recommend you take the computer to a computer shop for them to have a look at the laptop

Your computer crashed which could be due to a number of many reasons. You shouldn't worry about it unless it happens in a high frequency. Probably from having not enough RAM for what you were doing or your computer overheated, if your computer runs slowly I would advise downloading "Ccleaner". That will remove any unused files and any viruses on your computer. Hope this helps.

Duuuude that happened to me in summer (Australia) 2014
i think its called blue screen of death, i think its a overheating issue

Sounds like a classic BSOD - blue screen of death. It happens from time to time and if it's just a one-off then no problem. You should only start worrying if it happens repeatedly.

Hardware is failing. I suspect it's one of the memory modules. Continue using the computer but be ready to bring it to a qualified technician once it breaks down again.

The same happens to me before. In my case it was Ram issue. The ram conductivity will also cause same issue. Try cleaning ram. Then in other case it may be because of processor issue.

BSOD, blue screen of deathis a sign of failing system. Back up your important files ( pictures, documents, etc) using usb flashdrive or external hard drive. In case you system fails, you files are safe.