My laptop randomly shut off and won't turn back on again and I have school TOMMOROW?

I've tried the take the battery out and hold for 30 seconds blah blah it won't work! I have a Lenovo G50 and the story goes that it got confiscated from me because I used it too much and it was put under this cabinet and there was a lot of dust there. So I opened it up unaware and turned it on and began using it but it was extremely slow and had very little battery so I put it on charge and after a while of me eating for google chrome to load the laptop just went blank. It didn't even show the shut down page it just turned off and all lights were off and I've even tried vacuuming dust out and getting everything out and it's still not working at all and I've had it for 1 year? Any suggestions on what may be wrong and how I can fix it? Do I need to go to a tech guy or something?

Added (1). Eating? I mean ****waiting

You should probably get that checked. Sounds like a burned out fan or something.