I shut my computer off during updates?

My computer was installing updates all night so like a newb I shut it down this morning and now it does not function properly.
It's a Lenovo with Windows 7. It will start in safe mode but when I start it normally it just goes to a black screen with nothing but the mouse showing. Is there any sort of simple fixes for this? I would greatly appreciate help!

I can't 'help' you with your problem but I have a Lenova with Windows 7 - Professional and right now, this week, I've been inundated with Windows updates (just shut off and there's another 20 waiting, yesterday it was 12 and previous to that 17). My computer has been slow this week (more than usual and I did have it checked not long ago and it was much better) and these updates seem to be taking FOREVER to load. I let it run earlier and got to 3/20 before I got sick of waiting and hit the off button. When I came back I got a black screen with white text, hit escape and it went to the usual start up page. I've asked here about there constant updates which were worrying me so in a way, I'm happy to see your question.

I'll be watching for your answers.

Here's my question

Boot into safe mode and go to System Restore. Restore your system to a point before you downloaded the updates and you should be good.

There's nothing wrong with shutting it off, it stops the update and CAN cause problems but most of the time it doesn't. You can boot in safe mode or boot normally, windows will revert to the last changes because the update Failed anyway.