Is this a good gaming pc for the money?

Is this laptop a good gaming pc for the money? Here's the link to the laptop.

For those of you who say "build your own pc." I can't since I need to bring my laptop into school, and I don't have the money for a desktop.

Not really. A 'good' gaming laptop (i.e., one that can play games at the level of even the worst gaming desktop) isn't possible to find for under $1200 or so.

The GT 755 will play old games, but it won't do anything 'well'.

It has about 1/2 the power of the cheapest desktop gaming rig.

You'd be better off, IMO, buying a $300 laptop and saving your money for an actual gaming desktop. Or buying a console.

For 800 dollars i could build a killer gaming desktop. But yes that is a fairly decent gaming laptop.

Not really a good gamer--- it was an ok gamer a year and a half ago, but it will have problems running today's games. What is your budget?
If you have a little higher budget, you will b able to get a better gamer.

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