Are Lenovo computers prone to freeze up a lot?

The reason why i'm asking is about a week ago you got a Lenovo laptop but had some problems so we exchanged it for another one with same specs and stuff

The new replacement computer was find until last night, h was on internet all day until last night when the computer at first I thought it was just the browser so I opened the task manager and closed the browser and when I opened the browser it froze up.

So then I decided to turn off the computer but it let turn it off so I had to push the power button to turn it off, risking starting automatic repair.

However when I turned it back on i the computer was updating u thought maybe the update would fix wherever the problem was, unfortunately I think the update made the problem worse it loads up perfectly find until I click on a desktop icon then it completely freezes up and can't do anything.

Nope. This has user error written all over it. Something you are doing is causing this, either through something you're installing or how you are using the laptop.