This started happening yesterday. I have a Lenovo Desktop running Windows 8/8.1.
when I start it up it shows blue windows logo start up, then it goes to a blue screen for like 1 second than it instantly goes back to logo and sags Diagnosis Problem, Attempting Repairs it doesn't work. And it says "PC did not start up correctly. I get options like System Restore, Repair, Command Prompt, Start up Repairs, "Continue to Windows 8.1" but nothing works
I tried reset to PC and delet everything but I don't have Windows 8.1 CD. I have a Geeksquad Levono Restore but that doesn't work. I tried System Restore and it says "blahblahblah won't work try chkdsk /r" I did that on command
prompt and it says I coulent at the time.
I've clicked every choice and tried. I tried shift + F8 on start up nothing happened and F11. Nothing happens.