Why are some desktop PC's more expensive than others with similar (or worse) specs?

I'm looking at desktop PC's and I've noticed that some are more expensive for no apparent reason. For example, a PC like the Lenovo E32 which comes with a 3200MHz processor and 4GB of RAM costs £980, but a Lenovo K450, which has a 3500MHz processor and 16GB of RAM (and 2GB dedicated memory) costs £899. Why would the PC with better specs be cheaper?

I know that the E32 is described as a 'Workstation' whilst K450 is simply called a 'desktop'. Does this make any difference?

Added (1). Thanks for the responses guys. Could anyone recommend a desktop that could do complicated calculations very quickly? Is it only really the CPU that effects calculations per second?

Yea i would put it down to the graphics card. And.
All the other specs you didn't mention.

Power supply may be better
Graphics may be better
HDD may be larger
CD/DVD Drive may be better
And so on.

Workstations are purpose built for high performance and heavy workloads.

Hope it helps.

The graphics card in the second one costs around 113$