Why is Lenovo more expensive than Apple?

A Lenovo X240 costs $1249. The most expensive MacBook air costs $1249.

The Lenovo has i3, the Air has i5.
The Lenovo is 12.5", the Air is 13".
The Lenovo has Intel Graphics 4400, the Air has 5000.
The Lenovo is 2-3 times thicker than the Air, and has the 4 hours less battery life.
The Lenovo does not have 802.11ac
The Lenovo is made of an ugly plastic.

Seriously. What the hell was Lenovo thinking?

Because Lenovo is overrated and rides on its quality myth. Many Lenovo models have quality issues due to poor designs. MacBooks are overrated too but at least they offer a different OS. Perception is what drives the consumer markets and nobody really cares about the truth.

Apple is for teen girls that only care about product name

Is Alienware over-rated? Maybe all brands are over-rated. Who is doing all this rating, by the way? Is my BMW car over-rated? How can I get the rating lowered to attract more appreciation from people?
OMG, the Lenovo rating must have slipped. Here it is for $901.55-> http://shop.lenovo.com/...ptops/thi… It has an IPS screen, but the Air does not. No way I would buy one, though, since it falls behind the style of a ten-year old PowerBook G4. I also don't like staring at that bright, red dot in the middle of the keyboard… Not to mention that the trackpad is shifted to the left, a great convenience for left-handed users, but a bit goofed for the majority of us.
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