Why are gaming laptops more expensive than gaming consoles?

I want the lenovo y510p gaming laptop which seems to run flawlessly but is around a $900 price range, whereas a gaming console is closer to $350-500. Is there more of a better gameplay experience out of one of the other or are there more benefits?

Lets list some reasons out.
1.) Laptops use smaller mobile cpus and gpus which cost more to produce as their much smaller than their desktop counterpart.
2.) Laptops have a screen aswell as they are portable and easy to take with you.
3.) last i checked you couldn't whip out a ps4 at a restaurant or something and start gaming.
4.) Laptops like most computers can do so much more than consoles can.

So basically your paying more because the parts used to make a laptop are more expensive to produce. Also no laptop beats a desktop for similar prices.

Laptops are computers that can do anything a computer can do. Gaming consoles can only play games.

Laptops are portable.
Laptops can do more
Laptop parts are more expensive.

And a number of other reasons.