Why is my monitor causing the blue screen of death?

Hi, I have a Lenovo desktop computer and a Lenovo monitor. For some reason it is causing my computer to blue screen and the blue screen message says "Thread stuck in device driver". I'm certain it is my monitor because occasionally when I look at connected devices and it will say "Driver error" under it. Also sometimes it can't say what the name is for some reason. Like sometimes it says the name of the monitor other times it just says Generic PVP Monitor. What is the problem?! It crashes sometime up to 4 times a day and it is annoying.

It's not your monitor. They only show what the computer tells it to show.

1. A monitor CAN't cause a crash it only accepts the output from the computer
2. A driver error is caused when the driver for a device is installed incorrectly, in your case its most likely the GPU driver
3. Update your drivers and it should be fine

Blue Screen of Death (also known as a blue screen or BSoD) is an error screen displayed on a Windows computer system after a fatal system error, also known as a system crash: when the operating system reaches a condition where it can no longer operate safely.