Good graphics cards for 250W max?

I have a Lenovo H520 computer with a 250W max power supply. It has 6G of ram, 64-bit operating system, and a 3.4 gHZ processor. I'm looking to upgrade the graphics card, and I was wondering if there are any good ones of at least 1 GB that are fairly cheap, but reliable. It would be primarily for gaming, but I don't need one of those $5600 ones, just a nice reliable one of at least 1 GB. Also my computer requires a slimline graphics card, or one capable of becoming one. Thanks so much for responses and if possible, links would be great!

None for that wattage. By the time you subtract what the MB uses, less than 50W is left for an add in card. And $5600? Diamonds and emeralds on it?

There's no video card that is worthwhile that you can upgrade to with only a 250W PSU, sorry…

If you want to do gaming, get a regular desktop where you can upgrade the PSU and video cards as much as you wish…

Slimline graphics cards, no problem. A 250 watt power supply? That's a problem I don't think we can get around if you want to do gaming with it.

There are some gpus that can run with a 250 watt psu but very low vram like 64 mb, i know that slimline psu with greater wattage than 250 watt are really not on the market, also need the higher wattage when going over 512mb vram, i'm sorry my friend there might not be any gpu with 1 gb vram that would run with your specs mainly the 250 watt psu

You could try an nVidia GTX 750. 250 Watts is *tight* but if the power supply can actually deliver that stably, and the rest of the system doesn't require too much, it should be just enough. If on the other hand the power supply can't do what it claims then all bets are off.