How can a pc with a minimum 300w power requirement work with a 260w power supply?

I just bought a lenovo pc online and noticed it has a gtx 750 which has a 300w minimum power requirement but the pc has only a 260w power supply. How does this pc even function and does that mean my gtx 750ti with the same requirements will work for this pc?

Manufacturers lie when it comes to minimum requirements

they don't want to tell you 260 and have your video card fry
so they tell you 300 just to be safe

it's like asking "what's the minimum requirement to beat the world's #1 heavyweight boxing champion?"

answer: Do you really want to reach the minimum requirements and then go fight him?
no, you want to surpass the minimum requirements to be safe
then you fight him

so you can probably do just fine with a 260w
however, we don't know what else you have in your system
an SSD, a hard drive, a DVD player, a TV Card, 5 fans, water cooling?
so maybe you should go with something stronger just to be safe
maybe a 380w?

you can try this
guessing at your system, 238w is all you need

or try these

No, that is recipe for disaster, always use a PSU at least 100W higher than the recommended.