Can i add more memory? And hard drive space?

Can i add more memory and hard drive space to my lenovo y40 laptop if i wanted to. It has 13 gb of ram and a 1 tb sshd with 8 gb of ssd. The hard drive has 5400 rpm but i want to get it a 7200 rpm hard drive. Is it possible?

Memory maxes out at 16GB (DDR3L) … Probably two slots of 8 GB each.

You can either get up to a half terabyte SSD (Solid State Drive) or a terabyte on spindles… 5400 or 7200 r.p.m. You're not going to notice any real difference if memory management is optimized.

About the ram if there's room you can add more rams if not you should replace your current rams with newer ones. About changing SSD to HDD i'm not sure sorry.

You have 2 RAM slots. Both are currently occupied. To upgrade you would have to take out the smaller of the 2.

The max for 2.5 in hard drives is 1TB and it sounds like you are already there. The 8 gig SSD is either a micro or mini SATA connection, I forget which it is. You could get a larger one of those. The laptop is configured to use the SSD as a cache for the most used programs to speed up access.