Can I return my laptop to BestBuy?

Can I return my laptop to BestBuy? - 1

Added (1). I've had this laptop for about 3 months. I've hardly used it, there's not a scratch on it. After a month of not being on it, i go on it and noticed my battery was fully charged. I unplugged the charger and the laptop completely shuts off. As I turn it back on, the desktop says that my battery is damaged and i need to replace it. I have no clue how this happened, I have never spilt a drink by it, and i'm hardly on it. Does BestBuy come with a 1yr warranty when buying a Lenovo Yoga Pro 2 laptop?

Just leave it out on front. They'll get it eventually.

What would you like to hear? We can tell you that. However the ONLY thing that matters is what Best Buy tells you! Contact them! Ask them!

BestBuy will forward it to Lenovo, that is the best they will do. They may only give you a repair service address or tell you to contact Lenovo yourself.
Bestbuy only has a 7 or 14 day return to store warranty… The rest is up to the vendor who's machine you bought.