Can i upgrade processor in my laptop?

I have this laptop

and i'm not at all satisfied while playing games its gives lags (game strucks and have to play in very slow motion)

consider me a newbie and tell me if i can do anything to inrease clock speed to like 3.0 ghz or more

You might be able to upgrade the processor, but it won't do you any good. For gaming you need better graphics performance. Sell this one and get a Leonvo IdeaPad Y510p. The more basic models of those are pretty much the starting point for gaming machines and it comes with 2 GT 755M's in SLI which is pretty decent.

You can upgrade but It depends on graphic card and RAM, So you should upgrade RAM with maximum, then you should not required to do anything…

Yes and No. It all comes down to your notebook's chipset, CPU slot and firmware, even if you were able to attach a different processor on the motherboard.

That kind of upgrade is best suited to PC.

In 99% cases, you can't upgrade processor in laptop since it's soldered to motherboard during manufacturing process
