I sold a Lenovo laptop last night through a listing on Craigslist. The laptop was in complete working order last night when I sold it, but this evening the buyer contacted me saying that it was now 'not responsive' and that he can't get it to do anything. He said he was going to try to re-install Windows on it and get back to me tomorrow, but if it didn't fix the problem he would request a refund.
Am I even obligated to give him a refund on the computer? I sold it for a lot less than I probably should have, and I have never had a single problem with the computer over the two years I have owned it.
It just seems a bit sketchy that now it seems to be having all of these problems, and the fact that he is re-installing Windows on it bothers me too.
I live in Nebraska.
Added (1). I meant to say, a listing on Facebook. A simple post on a Facebook group.