Dose it make any difference these days if I leave my laptop plugged in most f the time?

I have a 2nd hand Lenovo T410 (don't know what type of battery) It usually last's about 2/3 hours so I leave it plugged into the mains most of the time… Am I ruining what's left of my battery.

As far as I know, batteries of any kind still develop a "memory" over time that causes them to not work as long if you don't stop the charging process when full and attempt to discharge them as far as you can. You could google tricks to get rid of battery memory and see if any of them work as far as removing some or all of the memory to give you longer battery life, but even doing this I believe there's still an end of life for most rechargeable batteries.

Most modern batteries are designed to be used like this, but it may help extend the life of your battery to sometimes let it discharge and recharge.
