Gain administrator account / privileges Windows 7 Professional on a school laptop?

Ok. Obviously I wouldn't be asking this question if I haven't tried searching google for it.

So here are the walls that I've encountered:

- I can't access sethc.exe files and whatnot anymore because this exploit has been patched by the school ICT.

- Registry Editing has been blocked by the administrator

- Command prompt has been disabled by your administrator, and no, making new text files and typing does not make me able to use the command prompt, but however, i seem to be able to write SIMPLE COMMANDS not those that enable me to get admin privileges such as "net user administrator"

Added (1). This laptop is a Lenovo X230, therefore, it does not have any CD slots whatsoever.

Added (2). Also, whenever I try to go into BIOS menu, seems like there's a password preventing me from accessing it.

Added (3). I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen, but after installing a bootable Kali Linux on my thumbdrive as well, my computer says USB not recognised.

Added (4). ^ I think that bootable USB's are blocked as well, either that or it could be my USB.

Are you trying to get expelled from school? Because doing the things you are trying is a very good way for that to happen. If you want to hack a laptop, get your own. Hacking the school laptop will only get you expelled from school.

Well seems like nobody here are tech experts huh…