I have a problem relating in pc about net connections?

One week before, my bro had purchased a new laptop of lenovo z series.
His another pc is in his room, so i wanted to shift his pc to my room which is in down stairs.

But in my room there's no net connection switch, and wanted to connect Wi-Fi for whole house.

When i shift my bros pc to my room, i don't have net connection.


Okay, let's assume you asked this question and what you are really trying to say is that you can't connect to the wireless link when you moved your brother's old PC downstairs.
If that is your question, then here are some answers:
1) Find the wireless transmitter and relocate it closer to a central point, if possible. Right now I assume it is in your bother's room and when he closes his door you probably get nothing.
2) Run a wireless survey. Open up the wireless connection (you didn't include the Windows version you are using to i can't tell specifically how to find this). The wireless connection will show a wireless signal status. You can use your brother's new laptop for this event. Basically walk around your home and find out how strong the wireless signal is under various conditions: Doors closed, doors opened. PC in one spot or in another.
Your wireless PCs can help you see the signal strength and you can move the wireless transmitter accordingly. P.S. Some cells phone that can detect WiFis can do this as well.
As a pair of last resorts you can get a very long network cable (they are not THAT expensive) and run it down to your room OR you can run it downstairs and then get another wireless device to put downstairs for you computer to use while your brother uses the one upstairs.

Use a wireless router, or turn on sharing on your modem