I want to increase my laptop resolution from 1366x768 to 1920x1080

I have Lenovo Z510 laptop. It has nvidia 740M and Intel HD 4600. I want to change its resolution from 1366x768 to 1920x1080. I'm using windows 8.1.

I have tried many things, like:

1. Powerstrip: I'm not getting 'advanced timing option'

2. Nvidia Control panel: No display option available. I only have 3D settings.

3. CRU: Custom Resolution Utility also not working.

4. Don't wanna change default screen or connect a second screen.

5. Searched in Registry but could, t find anything.

Your laptop monitor is only 1366x768 even if you could increase the resolution it wouldnt look any different, if you are connecting to an external monitor it will automatically change the resolution

I'm having the same problem, I got my touch pad replaced and from then i'm getting resolution of 1366x768, but before that my resolution was 1920x1080