I want to replace my laptop cpu?

I have a lenovo G570
running on 6GB RAM
and a Pentium CPU B940 2.00 GHZ

I would like to know if i can chance it with a more powerful cpu

i'm thinking a 3 point something or 4 ghz, i know its just easier to buy a new one, but the problem of buying a new computer is a difficult task because i would have to sell my computer and if i do that i won't get out of it what i paid for since the value has gone down more than half since i got it so i would like to just modify what i already have.

is there any CPUs that are compatible with my computer? That are better.

I giggle when I see 'computer technicians' claim that the processor is soldered to the board. I tear lappys apart everyday to make a living and CPUs are not soldered ever, but the GPUs are. Changing the CPU with no experience is NOT recommended as you will probably destroy the lappy in the process. I've many tricks to work on these and destruction is very easy. Try more memory, create separate OS partition, eliminate start up programs (CCleaner), defrag, clean up unused programs, throw stuff out, tweak the Services (Blackviper.com if you're real brave) but do not take apart. You will either break doing so or forget how to put back together.

I agree with Lil. There are to many people on here calling themselves Computer technichian's and experts etc when they have not got much knowledge on the subject. This can be very misleading and in some cases dangerous.
As to the question yes it can be changed but the supported CPU's is not worth the bother.
If you have 6B already then it is very doubtful that you are using all of that so no point in increasing that.

You can't upgrade processor or graphics card in laptop since they are soldered onto motherboard during manufacturing process