I5-4200M VS i7-4702MQ for gaming and engineering?

I'm planning to buy a new laptop i'm thinking about lenovo z510.
but i can't decide whether to buy the i5 version or the i7.
i will use it for gaming and i will be studying electrical or computer engineering next year i don't know what programs i will be using so i need your help.
is the i7 worth the extra money will it help me in gaming and engineering programs or no?

The i5 is dual core with less performance and more battery life.
the i7 has significantly better performance and is quad core, but has slightly lower battery life.
Both are solid CPU's but the ii7 is definitely better if the price isn't to much more

The i7 is definitely better but the CPU helps very little with gaming you need to look for something with a good video card for gaming.