If I buy a laptop with windows 8 now, will I get a free windows 10 upgrade?

I'm interested in Lenovo Z50-70, the thing is I hate windows 8 and I love windows 10. So, I'm wondering if I buy a new laptop with windows 8, will I get a free win10 upgrade or will I have to pay?

It is my understanding that all new PCs come with Windows 10. Ask a computer sales rep about this.

You will be able to upgrade.
Windows 7 and 8 users can upgrade for free until 29 July 2016.

EDIT: In response to what Jay R is saying… Well, that's just not true. I just looked it up and the default OS for the Z50 is Windows 8 (or 8.1, which is basically a Windows 8 service pack anyway). A lot of times if you buy directly from the manufacturer, you can customize components (including software and Operating System) from the site. I just checked on Lenovo's site - they do not advertise the Z50 on there, and the Z41 comes standard with Windows 8.1 (with no option to customize at that time).

As I said, though, as long as you get it and download Windows 10 before 29 July of this year, you're set.