What are some free and good video editing apps for windows 8?

I have the lenovo laptop with windows 8 and i'm going to be in a youtube channel this summer and i need some good apps

Quote:- i have the lenovo laptop with windows 8
Reply:- Windows 8 computers are LOCKED DOWN to only run W8 OS and W8 Software

Quote:- i'm going to be in a youtube channel this summer and i need some good apps
Reply:- Not with W8, You have to buy All Software from M$ before it will run in W8

Answer:- you will have to jail break windows 8 if you want to download and install Free software
Here are some good Free Video editing apps you'll be missing if you don't jail break W8.


Now you know there are other operating systems the rest is up to you to check them out,

If you want to know how to jail Break W8 then click on my name and message me, I want to know the make of your computer