If possible, does anyone know how to get rid of admin on a school laptop?

My school requires you to buy a laptop they chose when you're in year 7 and year 10, both are different each time and cost to around $1000 or more. The school, obviously, decided to put admin privileges so the laptops are restricted only for work. You can't even change the wallpaper. I understand the laptops are expensive and the latest of their type but it's a let down if you're a person who's anticipating a new laptop only to discover you can do close to nothing on it. I'm just asking, if possible, how to get rid of admin on a Lenovo running Windows 8.1. Thanks in advance if anyone replies.

Added (1). Well, my school's got all the students asking many questions like that about the sort of weird and unnecessary rules a school would have. I'll keep looking around for other solutions and keep the system wipe and hard drive swap as a last resort.

By doing a complete system wipe, erasing EVERY program and file on the harddrive.

Wait, if you bought the laptop, why is the school controlling what you do on your computer? Its your laptop so you should be able to use it however you want.

Anyway, you could try to take the hard drive out and put a new one in. Then do a fresh install of windows 8.1 on the laptop. All of the admin stuff will go away.

Format it, if possible. Or else, swap hard drives XD.

o o f

remove ssd/emmc and dump it with a programmer from another computer. Replace ram stick. DISCLAIMER: requires certain tools

I'm trying to get rid of my school computer admin without wiping out all of my work iv done

any idea

any idea how