I have a Lenovo laptop with windows 7 & 8. And a Lenovo tablet. Does anyone know about Lenovo?

Iv never heard of this brand. The laptop seems like a good one. Its really nice but the tablet isn't as nice as some others that iv seen and on both of these, the camera sucks. But just wonderin about the brand.

Lenovo has been around for quite a while and in 2013 was the largest personal computer vendor (by units) in the world.
They originally purchased the personal computer division of IBM in mid 2000's and more recently purchased IBM's server division.
They make a great computer and in my opinion have the best keyboards and user inputs on the market.
Blindfold me and put me in front of a keyboard and I'll be able to tell you if it's Lenovo or not just by the feel.
I will agree that they fall short in the tablet department though.

Lenovo is not like other Tablets or other PC's.

Lenovo is IBM… Its one of their Private Labels where they sell computers.
Lenovo/IBM is all about Business… Not fun and games.

This is what IBM means: International Business Machines.

IBM is all business… May not have the fun and games but will have the Memory and CPU to work efficiently

Lenovo is the IBM business laptop brand. Our company buys them almost exclusively

Lenovo is the old IBM brand. They are very good computers. If you notice, many people like attorneys, insurance salesmen, financial advisers, etc., who need their computer for traveling and need it to always be working, use Lenovo laptops.