Is my laptops specs any good for games?

It has 4GB of ram
the grapics card is a nivina GeForce GT 525M (i think it has 2GB memory but i'm not sure)
Intel Core i5 processer
don't know if this is the stuff needed to answer this question did the best i could not very smart on tech
also is it possible for me to upgrade my laptop (it is a toshiba satillite l750)

That's average for gaming, actually a Nvidia gaming card is good, but its only a basic GeForce and the Intel processor could be better with the new Intel i7 4th gen processor. What you've got is a pretty basic gaming laptop. If you don't have a tight budget Alienware laptops are great! Or if you have a tighter budget and you don't have to carry it around, the alienware desktops are good too, but you need a hi-def monitor too. Another great gaming laptop is the FANGBOOK EVO HX7-200 GAMING NOTEBOOK.

For a price tag under £1000
Scan's 3XS Graphite LG5
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
17.3" Optimus V
15.6" Vortex IV LE
7.3" SkyFire III
14" Fusion-T

Alienware Laptops UK:
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If you need further help you can chat with Alienware Experts on the site at the bottom.


Your lappy has good specs except gpu which is outdated.well all games will run released till now but keep the game at low settings.upgradation is impossible except ram, hdd, dvd drive. Some alienware lappys have upgradation option.lappys don't provide full upgradation because of compactness.while desktop have many slots to replace and upgrade

The laptop will play some games, but the GT 525m isn't going to be able to run modern and demanding games smoothly unless you turn the settings in game as low as they go.

Unfortunately, a lot of laptops can't be upgraded; and yours is no exception to this. The GT525m is soldered onto your laptops motherboard, whereas on a desktop PC and the odd laptop with an MXM slot it's removable/upgradeable.

You could get a larger one if you want faster loading