Laptop for an incoming college freshman?

I'm heading off to college this fall and am currently looking for a laptop to bring with. My parents are going to help pay, but I'd like to stay under $500 if possible. As far as sizes, I'd prefer a bigger screen, but don't want to go over like a 15.6". I have some time before I really need to get it so I'd like to do my research and get the right one. I'm just having a hard time narowwing it down to a good student laptop. Any and all suggestions would be great!

I'm heading off to college this fall and am currently looking for a laptop to bring with. My parents are going to help pay, but I'd like to stay under $500 if possible. As far as sizes, I'd prefer a bigger screen, but don't want to go over like a 15.6". I have some time before I really need to get it so I'd like to do my research and get the right one. I'm just having a hard time narowwing it down to a good student laptop. Any and all suggestions would be great! Thank you! Here is a link to narrow down your search:

As for specific suggestions, I wouldn't recommend chrome books because in college you're going to need MS word and maybe some apps depending on your major and I believe sticking with windows is safer and less risky. Plus windows laptops can do a lot more than a chromebook. One of the factors you need to keep in mind is battery life. You want to get something that will last at least 4 hours on battery.

Now you can get laptops for $250 that are good for web browsing and working with documents (writing papers and such) . If you're not an engineering or medical student then chances that you'll be working with any heavy duty app is very slime. In which case here are my suggestions:

#1 choice:

#2 choice:

#3 choice:

These laptops are fast and will do the job without any problems.

Best of luck with college. HP Chromebook's are amazing for colleges and schools! In UK, they are £200, but they are super duper fast and in the USA, they are about $310. They come in a range of colours, and the only browser they have is Google Chrome. (Basically Google). It still let s you play games, but the thing is it probably has documents or probably doesn't let you write essays for college and things. Have a look and tell me what you think.

HP Chromebook's are amazing for colleges and schools! In UK, they are £200, but they are super duper fast and in the USA, they are about $310. They come in a range of colours, and the only browser they have is Google Chrome. (Basically Google). It still let s you play games, but the thing is it probably has documents or probably doesn't let you write essays for college and things. Have a look and tell me what you think.