Laptop for Nursing Student: Lenovo Yoga 2 or Apple Macbook Air 13?

Laptop for Nursing Student: Lenovo Yoga 2 or Apple Macbook Air 13"?

Added (1). Price is not a concern.
Pros and Cons to the Specs in both Laptops.
Worried Macbook might not be compatible with my school.
Thoughts from anyone would be appreciated!

Added (2). Do I really need/want a touch screen or the ability to flip it into a tablet?

I think you'd be better off with the Apple Macbook Air just for the fact that the battery can last up to 12 hours (three more than the Yoga 2). Additionally the Macbook Air is lighter, but more solidly built than the Yoga 2.

Microsoft surface pro 2

You can't go wrong with an apple macbook.

Go with Apple Macbook Air. I don't think - you need flip or touch screen facilities