Laptop won't install any OS?

I've tried multiple ones. It either installs and goes straight to black screen, or won't install at all. It had Windows 7 when I got it, but I removed it and put Zorin and then Windows 8.1 and it was all working perfectly until I put Ubuntu 14.04 on it and now, no matter what I put on it, I get nothing. I have a Lenovo g570.

Apparently the Ubuntu installation reformatted the drive as Ext4 or another of it'a many supported formats that a non-linux OS wouldn;t recognize.

Get a copy of Puppy linux, burn the CD, and reformat the drive (or at least the Windows partition) as NTFS or for Windows 8 the correct new format.

I'd go with Windows 7 myself, which would take the NTFS format.