Lenovo Send me 3 laptop instead of the 1. Now they want me to pay the shipping fee and the 400+ restocking?

Lenovo Send me 3 laptop instead of the 1. Now they want me to pay the shipping fee and the 400+ restocking?

Added (1). Lenovo Send me 3 laptops instead of the 1. Now they want me to pay the shipping fee and the 400+ restocking fee if I return the other 2 that I did not order. If I don't they will charge me for the other 2 How do I get out of this?

Have you lawyer review the order and shipping documents. Then notify Lenovo to contact your lawyer or look forward to appearing in small claims court in your locality or legal jurisdiction.

If you only ordered one and the order really shows you only ordered one… The others are yours to keep (FREE) unless Lenovo sends you the return labels. No there shouldn't be any restocking fee if it was Lenovo's error.

If you have trouble https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/...erchandise
All that answer depends on where you live, so your local and national laws may be less "generous". In the US it is all Lenovo's problem.

Call to Lenovo and explain.