My fairly new laptop broke will Lenovo send me a new one?

So i had a laptop and i only had it for 5 months or 4 months and it looked FINE just yesterday but when i opened the laptop, it CRACKED open, on the right hinge, and originally the right side of the hinge had a cracking noise when i open and close it. It cracked completely open, what do i do? This laptop is not expensive, its like $430 total, and i think to get something like this fixed can cost $180-200 at least. Will Lenovo send me a replacement or fix it for free? I DIDN'T do anything to it. It's fairly new and i don't understand how it can crack open so easily.

Added (1). I asked several times if they can repair and how much it would be. Yes, IT IS within the 1year warranty, they were saying how i must pay for shipping and how the repair will have a fee, it should be AT NO COST. What do I do?
I HOPE they send a replacement, they won't tell me how much the repairs cost.

If you have a warranty they will replace it for sure, maybe if they see it was a faulty product them maybe. If you could i would get a refund and just go with a desktop

If your laptop has a warranty, send it to the Lenovo service center and they will fix it.